Climate Justice Campaigning and your MP: Campaign Catch Up

Want to find new ways to campaign with Fairtrade? In this recording, former MPHolly Lynch, who acted for many years as the Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Fairtrade, shares top tips on the best ways to get politicians' attention. Fairtrade campaigners from around the UK also share their experience on getting political backing for their work.

No time to watch the whole thing? We have summarised Holly's five top tips below the video.


Five top tips from MP Holly Lynch on working with politicians

#1: Know what your MP is up to. Understand what your MPs position is on an issue before contacting them. They may already be heavily involved in advocating for Fairtrade and can you use that as a hook to take further action.

#2: Make it local. A great way for an action to jump out in an MPs inbox is to make it local, especially given the mandate MPs have to address issues felt by their constituents. MPs like to take part in events too and are usually never ones to shy away from a good photo opp!

#3: Be persistent! Don't be too disheartened if your MP cannot attend a particular event you've organised. MPs tend to have very busy schedules, whether that be parliamentary or constituency demands. But don't be disillusioned by this, keep at it, and your voice will be heard. 

#4: Tailor your contact to MP offices. The best way to grab the attention of your MP is to personalise your messages. Tie it to a local campaign or event. Share an experience you feel passionately about. And the more tailored your message is, the more it is going to jump out for an MPs office.

#5: Make use of different tactics. Don't just rely on emails to make your voice heard. MPs are often super active on social media channels such as Twitter, so don't be afraid to mix it up when it comes to reaching out. Hand-written letters and telephone calls can also be used to grab their offices attention. 

Check out the latest on our Fairtrade and Climate Justice campaign

Visit our Fairtrade and Climate Justice campaign webpage for all the latest information on how our global Fairtrade community is standing up for Climate Justice. If you haven't already, remember to sign your Community Declaration of Solidarity to show politicians their is local support for fair global action on climate change.